The 4th and latest installment in The Matrix franchise released recently in 2021. The (blog post) end product wound up (blog post) being so divisive, ...Source: The Matrix: Resurrections Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos
Live & Wired Ep 119: Somehow Okay?
While things have been... yep... somehow there is always a silver lining. HBO Max (blog) is showing us both (blog) ends of (blog post) that spectrum, with ...Source: Live & Wired Ep 119: Somehow Okay? - Decker Shado More Videos
Terrifier 2 Movie Review - Gorehounds, Rejoice!
The first theatrically released Art the Clown movie, Terrifier 2 caused (blog) quite a splash when it (blog) hit last year, in 2022. Seriously, reports ...Source: Terrifier 2 Movie Review - Gorehounds, Rejoice! - Decker Shado More Videos
Jurassic World Dominion (2022) - terrible?
Jurassic World's Dominion is by far the worst film I've ever watched, even though I've seen plenty of bad films as a film reviewer. The third film of the Jurassic World trilogy and the sixth of the Jurassic Park series as a overall failed to match the hype surrounding it. It was clear from the start that this movie wasn't going to be a success.
Decker Shado was my first review. He was reviewing The Force Awakens, the next Star Wars film, and couldn't contain his excitement. He discussed everything about the movie worth considering before recommending it or not. After watching the entire movie, I was Reviews eager to watch it for myself.Recent film reviewMovieland WebsiteLots of blockbuste